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How to operate a QWRC style community space

Friday, January 28, 2022
10: 30-12: 00

In recent years, the number of LGBTQ circles and organizations has increased, and at the same time, the number of outsourcing from the government to related organizations such as the operation of community spaces has gradually increased. This is a subcommittee that we would like organizers and government officials to participate in as an opportunity for participants to share their wisdom to create a place where LGBTQ and related parties can meet safely and interact constructively.





  • コジさんが話されました。セクマイの文化についてもっと知りたいです。

  • QWRCの活動は素晴らしいと思いました。塩安さんも言われていましたが、このように高いレベルでされている法人にはもっとお金を出してほしいです。そこに専念してもらって十分な報酬がもらえるようになってほしいと思います。

  • 塩安さんとコジさんがリラックスしてお話される中で、お二人やQWRCがどのようにこれまでの実績を作ってきたかが良く分かりました。大変ほっこりした気分になりました。ありがとうございます。信頼関係って長い時間をかけて作られるんだな・・。と思いました。

  • 自分もLGBTQの交流会を友人と企画したりしているので、お話とても参考になりました。交流会の性質に合わせて、少しずつグラウンドルールを変えているところが印象的でなるほどなあと思いました。いつかQWRCスペースに遊びに行ってみたいです。




Director / Co-representative of NPO QWRC

Born in 1982
He left home at the age of 18 and made his LGBTQ community debut. After that, I went to various gatherings and events in Kansai.
One year after QWRC was created, I became a staff member of QWRC when I was 22 years old. With the incorporation of QWRC as an NPO in 2013, I will be in my current position. At QWRC, I am in charge of the operation and administration of the community space.

Material on the day

QWRC, which opened in 2003 and will celebrate its 20th anniversary next year, has been making various important efforts related to LGBTQ for many years. In particular, it is unique to have sent out from a position that firmly adheres to feminism, and to approach the problems and worries of the lives of queer people from the perspective of medical care and welfare. These efforts have steadily changed over time and have been involved in the development of the LGBTQ community in the Kansai region. The high level of expertise of QWRC personnel, such as sexual minority support and consultation services, and the proficient facilitation skills as a community organizer are important assets that should be passed on to the next generation. The knowledge and experience gained from trial and error that has created a place for people of various sexuality and gender to gather should be helpful for those who want to create a place where various others can safely gather in every situation. We will talk to the staff while looking back on the history so far, not only about knowledge and skills, but also about points that QWRC has been careful about and points that have been particular about. Dustin Lance Black, the scriptwriter for the movie The Times of Harvey Milk, who announced that he was gay, said. "Without a view of history, a community cannot be created. By celebrating it, not just admitting the facts, it becomes the history to which we belong." People who have been active long before the word LGBT became popular said, " I wonder if this kind of thing will really pay off, and will Japan change in the West someday? " I want to work for all such activists! Japan tends not to look back on history, but I think that looking back on our efforts will lead to celebrating and affirming our lives. First of all, I would like to work from the people I have seen for a long time. I want to praise more QWRC for coming! We want you to be proud that we have spun our lives and history! Now that the LGBTQ is finally recognized thanks to the activities of our predecessors over the years, why not think about the "community" for a further leap into the future?

QWRC Past activities (digest)


August Social resource development project (preparation of LGBT friendly indicators, exchange meetings, main survey, etc.)

July-August Recruit monthly supporters using the online donation platform and achieve the goal

January "Sexual minority and national convention for thinking about medical care, welfare, and education 2021" co-sponsored  


Exchange meeting Due to the corona whirlpool, it is held at rest, online, and in combination with the office and online.

Emergency contact cards are now available for download from the QWRC website

August mail news is published monthly 

July-October "Consultation on LGBTs Peer Group Supervision 2020" held

May-June   Publish a video on YouTube LGBTQ A certain consultation ~ with answering questions during the corona period ~

Received "19th Osaka Bar Association Human Rights Award" in March 

February Co-sponsored "5th LGBT Support Course"

January Co-sponsored " Sexual Minority and National Convention for Medical Care, Welfare, and Education 2020 "


September "LGBT counselor skill improvement course" held

May   QWRC pamphlet issued

March Reported cases at "Osaka Consultation Forum" for consultation and support of sexual minorities 

February In the 61st issue of "Niji no Hiroba", the article "How to freely express sexual minorities?"

November 2018-January 2019 "LGBT Consultation Peer Group Supervision" held 

2019 QWRC activity statement



Published in "Voluntarism Research vol.3" in December, special feature "Citizen's Sector Challenges, The Way to Suppress and Eliminate Social Isolation"

August "LGBT Course for Educational Fields Summer 2018" -Aiming for a school where everyone can live comfortably-held 

July "LGBT counselor skill improvement course" held 

May QWRC 15th Anniversary Party was held

April   Revised QWRC leaflet 

March "LGBT Course for Educational Fields Spring 2018" -Aiming for a school where everyone can live comfortably-held 

2018 QWRC activity statement



Held LGBT courses for faculty and staff in spring and autumn

August "LGBT course for educational sites" -Aiming for a school where everyone can live comfortably-held

2017 QWRC activity statement



November "QWRC bookshelves and books can be rented out. Commemorative event Bibliobattle" held 

August Published the book "Let's ask LGBT anything / the place that junior and senior high school students really want to know"

January LGBT and medical welfare revised edition issued

Why it's important to understand LGBT needs, terminology, stigma and stigma

2016 QWRC activity statement



Call for donations and produce a booklet "I want 10,000 medical and welfare professionals to know about LGBT needs!" 

March Published the booklet "QWRC Delivery Course Diversity of Sexuality"

December  QWRC introduction video released on YouTube

2015 QWRC activity statement



NPO incorporation

October Co-sponsored "National Convention on Sexual Minority and Medical Care, Welfare, and Education"

"Children and adults' tea party" will be held from August 

July Cooperated in the implementation of "consultation business" and "community cafe" among LGBT support projects in Yodogawa Ward 

Click here for the 2014 accounting report ↓

Property list

Balance sheet

Activity statement


"Menhel! (A group for people who live in diverse genders such as LGBT and have mental problems)" activity started!

October QWRC moves to Nishitenma

October Co-sponsored by a national convention on sexual minority and medical care, welfare, and education

year 2012

December QWRC Kawaraban No. 3 issued

"Report that I participated in the Kansai Rainbow Parade"

October QWRC Kawaraban No. 2 issued

"Exhibiting minorities-Do you know Liberty Osaka?"

August QWRC Kawaraban No. 1 issued

"Ingenuity to survive and support at school"



March-April Special Exhibition "Gender Identity Disorder" and Diverse Sexual Ways-Things That Men / Women Can't Divide-Lecture 

March "LGBT Convenience Book" -Even when you are in trouble or before you are in trouble! -Produce and publish pamphlets for parties

January "Practical network course on sexual minority healthcare" held

Creating pamphlets for parties, etc.



September Article published in the 150th issue of the magazine "Big Issue Japan"

"QWRC-To create a gathering place for sexual minorities and a practical network of health care"

September "Global Health Day 2010" Osaka Venue "Modern Youth and Sex Learned from Peer Activities" Report

September-February 2011 "LGBT and Labor" continuous study session held

April Community project to consider the working environment of sexual minorities


December Labor consultation started 

August "LGBT and medical care / welfare" -For medical / welfare personnel to understand LGBT-specific needs-Published a booklet

April QWRC leaflet issued

January Practical Network for Sexual Minority Healthcare

Holding lectures and creating pamphlets for medical and welfare personnel


September Symposium and exchange meeting "DV support from the perspective of LGBTI"


Published "Colorful ☆ Report Collection"

"Colorful" is lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex

A project to support youth (young people under 23 years old)


September Symposium and Exchange Meeting "Sexuality and Human Rights-How to Address LGBT Social Issues"

April "Colorful" event for youth starts

"Colorful-Youth empowerment business worried about sexual orientation and gender"

Issued "Emergency Contact Card" card and leaflet 3rd edition

Co-sponsored the symposium "Sexuality and Human Rights"

Year 2005

October-Continuous course "LGBT and family" held

September- QWRC telephone consultation started

Exchange with other organizations  Lecturer and panelist requests and interviews increased

Groups that use QWRC are playing an active role, and the number of groups that use it regularly, including self-help groups, is increasing.


November Consecutive Lecture "Gender and Sexuality Diversity and Support" Held 

All 5 times  1. What is diversity?  2. Gender diversity and support in adolescents  3. Family support 

  4. Gender diversity and medical care  5. From now on, towards the connection)


QWRC opens in Nakazakinishi, Kita-ku, Osaka

As a resource center for people living in diverse genders, we support the activities of individuals and groups working on the themes of sexuality and gender.

Reference video

Interviewer: Shioyasu 99

Presided over the new C team planning. Being a G-fornt Kansai member, I have always had a neighborhood relationship with QWRC. I've been with some QWRC members for about 20 years and feel like a "childhood friend of the activity." Actually , I recently became a member of QWRC. Nowadays, QWRC love has sprung up and forced the above activity digest version to be put together.

Why are various minorities difficult to live in? Because human rights are not understood. Who will raise awareness of human rights? Education, commercial organizations and government are unreliable. It doesn't spread naturally. I need more people who are serious about their work.

For example, the number of non-profit organizations in the United States is 30 times that of Japan. The digits of the amount of money that goes to non-profit organizations are different. Non-profit organizations also dig into the rankings of companies that want to get a job. The social status of Japanese non-profit organizations is too low. A society in which non-profit organizations can play an active role will make it easier to live in a community that cannot be created by commercial activities. More people understand human rights, less harassment, and even if you complain about harassment, you can get help.

From now on, let's work hard on what your nonprofit organization is doing, evaluate it as valuable, and support it aloud. And let's increase the number of people who can eat even if they work for more non-profit organizations. If you've been a non-profit, don't underestimate it. What you are doing is important to society.

© 2021 by National Convention for Considering Sexual Minority and Medical Care, Welfare, and Education 2022. Created on

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