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LGBTs Awareness Survey Report of 21,634 Teachers


 この分科会では、宝塚大学看護学部教授の日高庸晴さんに2019年の調査結果をまとめたリーフレット「子どもの“人生を変える”言葉があります 2021」をベースにご報告頂いた。


  • 調査結果を知ることができた。同性愛についての認識があまり変わっていないことが残念だった。

  • リーフレットぜひ活用させていただきます。

  • 何度かお聞きしている日高先生のお話ですが、聞くたびに発見がありまたパワーをもらえます。DVDも欲しいな~と思いながら、なかなかですが、図書館に購入希望出してみます!

  • 貴重な大規模データのお話が聞くことができ、大変ありがたかったです。結果の内容としては、結局は教員養成のカリキュラムも、義務教育のカリキュラムにも含まれていないことから、あまり知識の普及がしていないことを感じました。一番の収穫は、質問にご回答していただけたことで、学校対応でのキーが「危機感の共有」だとわかったことです。確かに、いじめにしても不登校にしても、危機感が共有できない事例では、学校にまとまりがなくなっていたことを思い出しました。そのことを糸口に先生方にお話すれば、伝わりやすくなるのかもしれないと感じました。今回はどうもありがとうございました。

  • 実は、新しいほうの調査がされていることを知りませんでした。この講座を機に知っただけでも、自分にとっては大きかったです。パンフの内容を読めばわかるところも多かったですが、やはり直接言葉で聞くと印象に残り、聞いてよかったと思いました。また、質疑応答まであり、とても参考になりました。データがちゃんとあることはとても重要であり、調査者の方から話を聞ける機会があるのはとてもありがたかったです。日高さん、調査を続けてくださり、ありがとうございます。

  • リーレットを読むだけではわからなかった背景を伺うことができて、とても勉強になりました。何よりも、大規模な調査を設計・実行されるのは、とても大変だったと思います。リーフレットを活用させていただきます。日高さん、ありがとうございました。他、医療関連との比較も大変興味深かったです。

Saturday, January 29, 2022
16: 30-18: 00

Recently, I've been hearing a lot of cases where LGBTQ children come out. Children are getting information from the media and SNS, and they understand LGBTQ better than adults, and they are becoming a generation with less prejudice. Meanwhile, what about adults? What are the challenges for educators as the intergenerational gap widens? This is a subcommittee that we would like all people involved in education to participate in.


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Yoharu Hidaka

Professor, Faculty of Nursing, Takarazuka University, Director of Japan Adolescent Society, Member of AIDS Trend Committee, Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare

Obtained a doctorate (social health medicine) from the Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University. After working as a researcher at the AIDS Prevention Research Center, Faculty of Medicine, University of California, San Francisco, and as a research resident at the AIDS Prevention Foundation, he is in his current position.
Supervision of human rights enlightenment video planned by the Ministry of Justice, cooperation in preparing materials for faculty and staff on sexual orientation and gender identity announced by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology in April 2016, executive staff of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology on diversity of sexual orientation and gender identity He is a lecturer in training, Ministry of Justice National Civil Service Human Rights Training, National Personnel Authority Harassment Training, etc. The supervised DVD teaching material "LGBTs' efforts to protect the lives of children's efforts to be close to the parties-Pitts in the field of education" received the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology's special selection, NHK "Heart Net", "Points of Issue" and other media such as newspapers and television. Many appearances.

In this subcommittee, Professor Yoshiharu Hidaka of Takarazuka University will report the results of the awareness survey on LGBTs of 21,634 faculty members conducted in 2019.
It seems that the word LGBT has become widespread, and the demand for diversity and inclusion has been called for in educational settings, and learning opportunities for sexual minorities have increased. However, that does not mean that the correct knowledge is widespread. For example, 46.9% of faculty members answered "yes" to the question "Do you think it depends on your choice, whether you are homosexual or heterosexual?" That should be the case, and only 12.4% of teachers have learned about homosexuality at their youseishisetsu institutions. While comparing with the results of the faculty awareness survey conducted by Professor Hidaka in 2011, please report what has changed and what has not changed during this period.
What improvements are needed to make the school comfortable for everyone? Let's think about what we should do now while explaining the current situation of the school that can be seen from the results of the survey targeting the largest teachers in Japan. What kind of school do you want to be in the next 10 years?
On the day of the event, the main material will be the leaflet " There are words that change children's lives 2021 " that summarizes the survey results. Please print it out and use it at work or school.

■ Reference teaching materials Video teaching materials
Rainbow Stories LGBTs and Society (4 DVDs) (2022)
Rainbow Stories LGBTs and Medical Care (2 DVDs) (2022)
School efforts to protect the lives of LGBT children (2 DVDs) (2020)
"Learning LGBTs for the first time" (DVD 2 volumes) (2019)
"LGBTs Thinking Together" (DVD All 3 Volumes) (2018)
"For you to live like you" 2014 Ministry of Justice commissioned human rights enlightenment video (2014)

"Sexual Minority Classes including PowerPoint LGBTQ" (2019)
"Rainbow Flag Birth Story" (2018)
"I want to know more! I want to talk! Sexual minority" (3 volumes) (2016)

© 2021 by National Convention for Considering Sexual Minority and Medical Care, Welfare, and Education 2022. Created on

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