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Sexual Minority and Work-Use Your Knowledge of "Career" and "Law"-






Saturday, February 5, 2022
13: 30-15: 00

From the knowledge of "career" and "law", we will inform you of the information necessary for sexual minorities to face and continue their work while improving discrimination and harassment in the workplace. It doesn't matter what age the participants are or whether they have a job.


Hitoshi Nagai

Long Career Labor and Social Security Attorney Office

He left Osaka in 1987 and was involved in employment support and living support for people with intellectual disabilities until 2013. After that, I started thinking about how to live a sexual minority, including myself, and moved to Tokyo. After acquiring a financial planner and a social insurance labor consultant, he decided to make the final home in Osaka and made a U-turn. Acquired the last qualified career consultant and opened the Long Career Company Labor and Social Security Attorney Office in 2020. We support the work of sexual minorities and life planning.
Material on the day

First of all, let's know the meaning of "career" in the present era (work style reform, 100 years of life, corona disaster, etc.). Understand the meaning of "career" based on the three keywords of self-understanding, work understanding, and self-match, and use it as an opportunity to think about your own career.
Next, let's know the basic "law" (labor law, social insurance law, etc.). What rights do we have and what kind of system can we use? Knowing your rights gives you information about how to work. If you make good use of the available systems, you can also use them for life planning.
We have an unavoidable difficulty in working. With that in mind, I hope that this subcommittee will provide you with the information you need to work.

© 2021 by National Convention for Considering Sexual Minority and Medical Care, Welfare, and Education 2022. Created on

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