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Aiming for a society where everyone can access medical services with peace of mind

-Sending from Nijiiro Doctors-

報告文【誰もが安心して医療サービスにアクセスできる社会を目指して ~にじいろドクターズからの発信~】

 講師の吉田医師は総合診療医として病院で勤務する傍ら、東京慈恵会医科大学でLGBTQと医学教育に関する研究をされています。また、ご自身がバイセクシュアルかつ X ジェンダーの当事者でもあります。今回はご自身の体験も踏まえながら、医療の歴史や社会の流れの中で、いかにLGBTQたちが影響をうけ、それが健康問題へと繋がっていくのかについてお話くださいました。



  • 私も医療従事者なのでこのセッションを楽しみにしていました。また、医師である夫にも一緒に見てもらえたことをとてもうれしく思います。私は普段学校で性の多様性について話をすることがありますが、自分の働いている職場ではなかなか行動ができずにいます。それはお話にもあった、医師に物言えない環境にあります。スタッフ間もあまりいい関係とは言えず…。今後医療機関に性の多様性についての学べる機会が増える事を願っています。

  • 登壇者のストーリーが聞けるのは貴重な機会だと思いました。社会的背景や健康格差をどうにかするには、大きなことですが、社会システム変えないと、というところに賛同します。できることとして医療現場、教育の面でも変えていくことはまだできるのかなと思いました。

Sunday, February 6, 2022
13: 30-15: 00



Eriko Yoshida

General Incorporated Association Nijiiro Doctors Director Kawasaki Kyodo Hospital Department of General Medicine Tokyo Jikei University School of Medicine Research Student, Faculty of Clinical Epidemiology

While working at a hospital as a doctor, he is conducting research on LGBTQ and medical education. In 2018, he came out to be an LGBTQ party and started lecture activities and workshops on the care of LGBTQ people, mainly for medical professionals. In 2021, we launched Nijiiro Doctors, a general incorporated association of doctors involved in primary care, and we are working to ensure that all sexuality people can receive medical care at a medical institution with peace of mind and receive appropriate medical care. ing.

In this subcommittee, we invited "Nijiiro Doctors", which is composed of five doctors involved in primary care, to discuss the current issues in the medical community regarding the care of LGBTQ people and the activities of Nijiiro Doctors. Please report.
It is hard to say that there are ample opportunities for healthcare professionals to learn about diverse sexualities in Japan, and improper response by healthcare professionals impedes access to health care for LGBTQ people and promotes health inequalities. Sometimes.
In the subcommittee, instructors who are LGBTQ parties and doctors will explain the basic knowledge of sexual diversity as well as the health inequalities that evidence-based LGBTQ people are exposed to. In addition, we will introduce activities such as lecture activities and workshops for medical professionals by Nijiiro Doctors, creation of books for medical professionals, and provision of a place for peer support to medical professionals concerned.
How the medical world needs to change so that people of all sexuality can see medical institutions with peace of mind, sharing the current situation and issues of the Japanese medical world, and what kind of things do they need to do? Consider what you can do.

© 2021 by National Convention for Considering Sexual Minority and Medical Care, Welfare, and Education 2022. Created on

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