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Sexual minority and old age "support" -in search of information and network of people

Sunday, January 30, 2022
16: 30-18: 00

* There will be no live viewing on this day (1/30).

As an NPO that thinks about the old age of sexual minorities and connects them, what kind of philosophy did the association have and what kind of thoughts and practices were repeated on the theme of old age? I would like to think about how the association, which says "we are not a support group," can increase the number of people who do not need support before supporting it, from the standpoint of the parties / supporters.





  • パープルハンズさんのリーフレットはとてもクオリティが高くだいぶ前からダウンロードして参考にさせてもらっていました。今日は直接お話を聞くことができてとてもうれしかったです。行政書士さんという立場からの関わりとても勉強になりました。また、老人ホームに関してもなるほど!でした。そんなふうに特化しなくても当たり前に認められる社会になってほしいですよね。貴重なお話ありがとうございました。

  • リアルに考えること。そのために人と会うことが大切であると感じました。

  • ありがたいです。参加出来て良かったです。

  • 宙ぶらりんのまま、答えを出さずに生きていけるためには、そのようなことを考えている人とつながることが一番なんだと思いました。



Shibun Nagayasu

Secretary General of NPO Purple Hands, administrative scrivener

Born in Ehime prefecture in 1966. He has been involved in gay community activities since the late 1980s. After working for a publishing company, since the 2000s, as a writer / editor, he has been covering and writing about sexual minority life, old age, and HIV problems. Rather than pursuing a high-ranking ideal theory, it is a characteristic of what you can do now. Registered as an administrative scrivener in 2013, and opened the Higashinakano Sakura administrative scrivener office. In the same year, he established Purple Hands, a specified non-profit organization, and is the secretary general. His books include "Books for Two People to Live to the End with Peace of Mind" and "Introduction to Nijiiro Life Planning".

We do not position ourselves as a "support group" because we are active as an "NPO that considers and connects with sexual minorities in old age" and "a reliable information center for old age and same-sex partnerships." It is a "learning place" where you can get necessary information for living and old age, and "life plan night junior high school" where you can learn solid money knowledge and legal system that you did not know by the time you became an adult. It is called "Sekmai's literacy education" that enhances the literacy of.
This is not your "whereabouts". If you learn, I want you to leave here as soon as possible. Because you are the one who lives ---- that's what I'm calling on the participants. Even if our association does not "support", everyone has the power to live in the inner part. I really want to live. I just don't have enough information.
If everyone can make themselves happy in this way, there will be no unhappy people in society, and the "difficulty of living" will disappear ....
How far can it be achieved by utilizing the current laws and systems? Still, who is the "person who is missed"? I would like to think about independence, self-help, support, and learning in the field of "old age of Sekmai" with people who still want to support.

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