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Inclusive sex education-Practice for children in orphanages and children with disabilities-






  • 学びが深まりました。バウンダリーの実践はまず大人からだと私も改めて思いました。

  • 子ども(=大人)を人として大切にするということがどういうことなのかを具体的に教えていただきました。特に境界線、一人のスペースの保障をどう確保するかの実践はこれを学ぶ人の一生を決定すると思いました。たいへん貴重な学びとなりました。ありがとうございました!

  • 普段、学校現場で働いています。実際の教育現場での実践を動画で観ながら、お話を聞くことができたのでとてもよかったです。また、困っている子どもたちがヘルプを出せたり、話をしたい時に話ができるきっかけを設定されていることが非常に重要だなと思いました。

  • 介護のボランティアに参加していて、同性愛者が介護に入ることはどうなのか?という議論を以前に聞いたことがありますが、性暴力と性行動は全く切り離して考えることの大切さについてのお話を聞けてよかったです。

  • 子どもと関わる立場の人間として、ハグなど身体接触を求めている子どもであっても、「ハグしてもいい?」とか言葉で聞くことが、あなたの体は、あなただけの大切な体というメッセージを伝えることができるということをきき、自分の普段の行動を振り返るきっかけにもなりました。性教育の授業をするということだけが、性教育だけではなく、日頃からの声かけや関わりから、子どもたちに伝えていくことができるのだなと思いました。

  • 徳永さんのお話はお何度も聞きましたが、毎回今後に役立つ気づきをいただけます。

Saturday, February 5, 2022
10: 30-12: 00

This is a subcommittee for sexuality-related guest speakers, facilitators, instructors, school teachers, sexual counseling businesses, people with disabilities, and those who are engaged in child welfare-related work. If you have any troubles while consulting or supporting sex education, please ask Mr. Tokunaga at the exchange meeting. Don't miss the organizers who want to make the LGBTQ community an inclusive place for people with disabilities and people of all backgrounds.

Based on the knowledge and experience of Mr. Tokunaga, who visits and trains at more than 60 places a year, including schools and business establishments for children and adults with disabilities, admission facilities, child care facilities, psychotherapy facilities, and maternal and child life support facilities. You can get many tips.



Keiko Tokunaga

・ Adolescent health counselor. Graduated from the Faculty of Science, Kobe University and the Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences, Kobe University (Master of Development Support Theory). He is engaged in human rights protection activities with the keywords of "sex, children, and violence prevention," such as sex education, CAP, HIV / AIDS prevention enlightenment, dating DV prevention, and beloved.

Single book "Body Note-Counseling Box for Junior High School Students" (Otsuki Shoten),
"Kokoro ♡ Body Mysterious Connection" Picture: Akiko Uehara (Ryukyu Shimposha)
Co-authored "Let's ask LGBT anything-a place that junior and senior high school students really want to know" (Children's Miraisha)
"Quarterly Sexuality" No.90 Special Feature "Comprehensive Education for People with Disabilities"
"Let's go! "School Sexual Harassment-Workshop for Teachers" (Kamogawa Booklet), etc.

Article about Mr. Tokunaga

"The most important thing is you" Keiko Tokunaga, who nurtures children's self-esteem through "sex education from the age of 3"

Correct sex education for parents and children Keiko Tokunaga Lecture in Naha

Sex education "Learn with correct information" Tokunaga-san, publication commemorative lecture

Including sex education for children with disabilities, sex education is held at schools from kindergarten to university, vocational schools such as maternity departments, admission facilities and gender equality centers in each region. We would like to ask Keiko Tokunaga, a specialist in the field, for useful knowledge and ingenuity in the field.
Mr. Tokunaga is doing sex education while valuing the following things.
・ See sex education from the perspectives of science, safety, and health.
・ Correct knowledge about one's body fosters self-esteem and prevents sexual damage.
・ Let's start talking about sex from around 3 years old, focusing on the place of life.
・ It is the human right of all children to receive sexual health education.
This time, I would like to ask you how inclusive sex education is provided especially for children with disabilities (children with intellectual disabilities and developmental disabilities).

(Introducing some questions)
Q. What kind of communication method do you devise so as not to alienate the LGBTQ?
Q. Did you have any opinion that children with disabilities do not understand sex education and sexual diversity?
Q. If a child with intellectual disability or autism is complaining of gender identity disorder, it may be difficult to tell whether it is sexuality or another reason.
Q. What kind of consultation is available for LGBTQ children in orphanages?
Q. I hear that there is sexual violence against the same sex between children at an orphanage, but is it LGBTQ?
Q. At the same time as sex education, you will talk about boundaries, but please tell us about the relationship with sex education.

Reference site (explained in the subcommittee)

Heartbreak teaching materials sale
Tomorrow's meeting
CAP Nishinomiya
Meg Hickling
Initiatives of Sanko Corporation
Program for children with disabilities
Human and Sex Education Research Council
Handicapped child / person circle
Let's ask LGBT anything
chotCAST --Osaka Inspection Consultation / Awareness / Support Center
Japanese Disorders of Sex Development Patient Family Association Liaison Meeting Nex DSD Japan


Interviewer: Shioyasu 99
I forgot whether it was a QWRC connection with Mr. Tokunaga or a project to think about SOGI and ○○, but with that as a trigger, he also participated in the production of teaching materials . It was a great learning experience for me to tell me about the situation. ⑧ is also being created based on Mr. Tokunaga's sex education. The lightness of footwork that travels all over Japan, the diligence and curiosity of constantly updating new knowledge, the polite interaction with trainees, writing activities, etc., are all things I want to learn. When I lived in Canada, one of the people who took great care of me, who didn't know right or left, was a gay young man with intellectual disabilities. Besides, the environment where various people such as wheelchair users, deaf people, refugees, people living in shelters, etc. are naturally in the LGBTQ community, it is natural that I grew up in an environment where only healthy people are Japanese nationals. Was fresh. I feel that various scenes in Japan, not just the LGBTQ community, are not yet inclusive in many ways.

© 2021 by National Convention for Considering Sexual Minority and Medical Care, Welfare, and Education 2022. Created on

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