Since 2013
What you need to know as a rehabilitation worker
Things to know when undergoing rehabilitation
Nijiiro Rehanet consists of therapists (physical therapists, occupational therapists, speech-language pathologists) and students who are interested in SOGI and engage in rehabilitation practice, research, and education. It is a community where therapists and students connect, learn together, and work together to practice medical and welfare services and create a society that does not discriminate against sexuality.
[Program content (tentative)]
Introduction of Nijiiro Rehannet
What is rehabilitation?
Appropriate Consideration for Sexual Minorities in Rehabilitation Scenes
Efforts in the Rehabilitation Industry
Narration by a Sexual Minority Therapist
After a fracture or stroke, you may need rehabilitation. In preparation for that time, we will tell you the basic knowledge about rehabilitation and what you can ask the person in charge. In addition, we will deliver the efforts currently being made in the rehabilitation industry and the voices of the rehabilitation workers.